Sermon Study: “Devoted to Prayer”  


Paul’s letter to the local church in Rome includes this short but potent instruction, “Devoted to prayer” (12:12).

This word devoted is only used 10 times in the Scriptures and in 5 of those uses it is connected with this word prayer. Look up and read the following verse: Acts 1:14; 2:42; 6:4; Col. 4:2; Rom. 12:12
We often think of prayer as an individual discipline, but in these verses in what context is devotion to prayer taking place?
According to Romans 12:1-8 why is it probable that Paul’s instruction on prayer is viewed as a corporate event?

Very few of us are disciplined in prayer. Often, just talking about prayer makes us feel guilty! What does Paul anchor this instruction to the church in? (Hint, Romans 1-11!). Why is this important to remember when discussing the need to grow in prayer? What will grow or choke out prayer?


How are we doing as a local church in obeying this instruction? What steps can and must we take to be faithful as a church to prayer?
We often look to our emotions as a motivator to prayer and our feelings as an indicator of the effectiveness of our praying. But true prayer is simply believing God and taking Him at His word regardless of how we feel. How should this change the way we approach prayer and the way we pray?

According to the key verses regarding devotion to prayer listed above, what was key to the early churches growth? What is key to the modern churches growth?

Do you remember the illustration about the Moravians, the early Czech Christians? Do you remember what they did and what they accomplished? Why did they do what they did and accomplish so much?


How are you doing in your personal devotion to prayer? What steps can and must you take to be faithful to prayer?


Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alter in it with an attitude of thanksgiving”