Sermon Study: “Four Marks of a Growing Christian” Philippians 1:9-11  


The world’s definition of love is often self-focused relying on attraction, romance and feelings. As Pastor David Cummings shared agape love focuses on a commitment of the will and a concern for others. What threat does a worldly love pose to believers if we allow its influence? With Valentine’s Day approaching in what ways can focusing on agape love encourage us whether single or married?

Read Philippians 1:9-11. This passage provides Four Marks of a Growing Christian.

1. An Abounding Heart (v. 9a)
2. A Maturing Head (v. 9b-10a)
3. An Increasing Honor (v. 10b)
4. A Producing Harvest (v. 11)


AN ABOUNDING HEART in the Lord enables us to be more concerned with holiness than with happiness. What are some ways that this statement has proven true in your life? Happiness is a fleeting emotion but true joy can last for years. Share three ways the Lord has blessed you with great joy!

A MATURING HEAD seeks to know the truth of God’s Word and to apply it. Pastor David asked, “How discerning are you with your activities?” Why is it important to connect Scripture to everything that we do? How has doing this blessed you recently? Has failing to connect Scripture presented any challenges?

AN INCREASING HONOR encourages us to be sincere and blameless in Christ. The Greek word for sincere actually means “without wax.” Clay pots held together by wax melt and break when exposed to fire. What spiritual lessons can we take away from this illustration?
A PRODUCING HARVEST is possible because believers are filled with the righteousness of Christ. The verb “filled” is in the perfect tense meaning that it is a completed action with continuing results. Why should this encourage you?


Lawrence of Arabia had friends that thought water faucets were the source of the water. How have I failed to give Christ true recognition for fruit that He is responsible for?


Psalm 115:1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us, But to Your name give glory Because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth.